May 2021


We are thrilled to share the incredible success of the recent TCRA-sponsored bootcamp at SUA, where the Department of Mathematics and Statistics saw a remarkable turnout of talented female students. In a groundbreaking initiative aimed at bridging the gender digital divide, the purpose of the event was to empower and prepare these young women to...
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Project Summary Enhancing entrepreneurship, innovation and sustainability in higher education in Africa (EEISHEA) is a project which was launched in October 2018. EEISHEA is a collaboration between 5 universities in Africa and 5 universities in Europe. At Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Prof. Camilius Sanga is a local project coordinator while Dr. Anthony Sangeda is a local project...
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Sokoine University of Agriculture Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Statistical Analysis (SUALISA) would wish to announce to the SUA community and the general public that it will offer short courses in Statistics to be held at SUALISA conference room between 9am and 4.30pm each day from 17th May 2021 up to 30th. May 2021 for workers from...
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