Anna Mpanyakavili


Anna Mpanyakavili is employed at Sokoine University of Agriculture since July 2018 under an International project named   Green Resources Innovations for Livelihood Improvement (GRILI)as a Research Assistant. GRILI project is funded by DANIDA  through Danida Fellowship Center (DFC).

Her main duties in GRILI project is to conduct research projects in consultation with project coordinator, writing project reports, Reading and summarizing financial news and documents, coordinating and facilitating projects carried out by post-doc, PhD, MSc and BSC students, facilitating and get involved in data collection, analysis and publication, assisting in running and maintaining analytical equipments and doing any other related tasks given by the Principal investigator.

Anna Mpanyakavili is a graduant from Sokoine University of Agriculture holding a BSc. with Education (Chemistry and Biology). In the course of her study she did a special project on Formulation of Natural medicinal soap using Synadeniumglaucescens root extracts, where through this Project she managed to advance her career in Phytochemistry.

She has a knowledge in Chromatography and Bioassay, experienced working with High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) equipment, Liquid Chromatography – Mass Spectroscopy (LC-MS) equipment, Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) system and Soxhlet method of extraction. Her research interest is in the fields of Chromatography assay and Phytochemistry.