Dr. Churi

Dr. Ayubu J. Churi

Senior Lecturer

Former Director of the Centre of Information and Communication Technologies (CICT)

Academic Profile

Ayubu J. Churi is a senior lecturer in the Department of Informatics and Information Technologies at the Sokoine University of Agriculture. He did a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science at the University of Dar es Salaam, a master’s degree in Computer Science at Essex University, and a PhD in Information Systems at the Sokoine University of Agriculture.

Teaching Subjects and Research Interests

His research interests are in information systems development, software engineering, and decision support systems. He teaches decision support systems, expert systems, distributed systems, and computer programming.

Research Projects

Dr. Churi has undertaken several research projects, including CYSTINET Africa and FAW Management.


A full list of Dr. Churi’s publications and citations can be accessed at Google Scholar
