Prof. Sanga

Prof. Camilius A. Sanga


Director of the Sokoine National Agricultural Library (SNAL)

Acting Director for Directorate for Information and Communication Technologies (DICT)

Former Head of the Department of Informatics (2011-2017)

  • Edward Moringe Campus

Academic Profile

Camilius A. Sanga is a Professor from Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Tanzania. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from the University of the Western Cape, South Africa. He also holds MSc. Computer Science and BSc. In Computer Science from Osmania University and University of Dar es Salaam, respectively. 

Teaching Subjects and Research Interests

Prof. Sanga is involved in teaching undergraduate courses. These courses include: CIT100–Computer applications, INF201–Human Computer Interaction, INF300–Information System Analysis and Design, INF 301: Software Engineering, INF 302–Database Implementation and Management, 309–IT security and INF 210–Research methodology for computing and information management.

His research interest is in Information and Communication Technology for Development (ICT4D).

Research Projects

Some of the research projects in which he has been involved are:

  1. Development of Monitoring and Evaluation system for Projects under Enhancing Pro-poor Innovations in Natural Resources and Agricultural Value-chains (EPINAV) at SUA.
  2. Farmer Voice Radio (FVR) Project – Building a radio-based, impact driven small farmer extension service system.
  3. Recently, he was an assistant project leader for the research titled “The role of mobile phones towards improving coverage of agricultural extension services: a case study of maize value chain”.
  4. Professor Sanga was the project leader in e-learning component in the DANIDA funded Building Stronger Universities (BSU) project titled E-Learning and Problem Based Learning project at SUA, Morogoro, Tanzania.
  5. Currently, he is coordinating a project funded by the European Union at SUA tilted “Enhancing Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Sustainability in Higher Education in Africa (EEISHEA)”.
  6. Co-investigator of the following two projects funded by the European Union: Facilitating multi-stakeholder partnership to foster sustainable shark fisheries in Tanzania and FOOD and Local, Agricultural, and Nutritional Diversity (FoodLand)
  7. Innovations in Technology, Extension and Institutional Approaches towards Sustainable Agri-Food Systems to Promote Food and Nutrition Security in Africa (InnovAfrica).
  8. Lastly, he is a member in a project funded by USAID titled ‘Morogoro Youth Empowerment through Establishment of Social Innovation (YEESI) lab for problem-centered training in machine vision.’


Prof. Sanga has published papers in several International journals. Also, he has presented papers at local and International conferences. He has co-authored over two books and book chapters. These publications are available on Google Scholar and ResearchGate profiles.
